Hi Kittens !

I am back with another post !

If you have seen my posts before - you would know that I often would apologize for " disappearing" alot, taking breaks or sabbaticals from time to time.

And it's not to say I don't want to keep you guys informed or aware of what is going on, but more so I no longer want to apologize for needing to be to myself.

Of course you may have seen that I have got better with posting more, sharing my content, etc. I love learning and sharing my knowledge. 

But I also had to realize I needed to take a step back sometimes. That I don't want to post just to say I posted or follow the things others do. I am about quality not quantity so yes I want to put out quality ( in a more consistent matter than ever before) and I won't post just to say I did. Or do some fake ass engagement or pay attention to what people think what needs to be done to be successful.

And frankly sometimes I don't want to be seen by the world. And that is something I am working on balancing because this work needs attention. I want attention on liberating female sexuality. I like to stir the pot a little lol and like to be someone that can bring up these conversations. But I am also someone that needs time to recharge my energy and tune out the world. And honestly my best creativity comes from enjoying my own company and connecting to myself!

So, this is really about me not being sorry for disappearing LOLLL. Like not being apologetic for needing to step away or even telling myself I can do things my way - even if it's different than anyone else. And that is something I encourage anyone to do really- do it your own way.

Anyways- this was a cute little post. I'm enjoying writing more lately so stay tuned for future posts!




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